Picking the Right Paddle Board LengthPicking the right paddle board length is imperative if you want to enjoy your SUP experience. Especially, if this is your first board. Anything to big or to small could lead to a negative experience and the end result could be a paddle board sitting unused in a garage collecting dust. I don’t want this to happen to you, so keep reading, gain some knowledge and go armed into your next paddle board shopping adventure. Selecting Proper SUP Length For most people, paddle board length shouldn’t be the primary shopping factor. In my opinion, all length does is provide guidance to the amount of displacement (volume) a board offers. Instead of shopping by length, try to find a paddle board that meets the following needs, and the length will take care of itself.
Factors That Shouldn’t be Considered I chose to write about this topic because it’s a question that’s been asked to me many times. Not only by my students when I taught paddle boarding, but also by prospective customers. Below are some of the factors that customers think should be considered when determining SUP length, but in actuality, are not important at all.
So now that you know what to consider when selecting paddle board length, stop fixating it. Instead, consider what you want to do with your SUP, your weight and experience level. Once you have selected a board based on those needs, the length will take care of itself. Now, take this knowledge you just gained and go buy the paddle board that is right for you. Comments are closed.
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